Terms & Conditions
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All content contained herein, being a mixture of parody, satire, humor, political commentary, first amendment freedom and personal opinion is for entertainment purposes only.
Comments are encouraged. However, by providing comment you agree that you are solely responsible for what you provide. MyKailua may inadvertently link to or contain content that is considered mento, babooz, lolo, pilau, niele, rude, silly, useless, frivolous, empty, rotten, stinky, bad, disgusting, obscene, prurient, hostile, repulsive, virulent, infectious, illicit, moronic, ridiculous, incorrect and downright wrong. MyKailua in no way condones, endorses or takes responsibility for such content. Using your real human account is required. We do not deal or tolerate with fake accounts or fake people. You will be removed and banned from the site permanently.
— Mahalo!
"Da Legal Kine Stuffs La Dat"